Quick Update

Because of personal circumstances I have had to step down from Book Blogging.  I’ve enjoyed the time that I have spent here and all the new friends that I made in the short time that I was here.  I’m still reading I just won’t be posting anymore.

On that note….

I wanted to let you all know that a close personal friend of mine has decided to take up book blogging.  She’s actually got two blogs going right now.  One she reviews: Young Adult(Paranormal, Fantasy, Dystopian, PNR), Romance (Paranormal, Paranormal Erotica), Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Steampunk and Dystopian. The other she just started this morning, after deciding to break her reviewing up into two blog, and will be blogging about : Contemporary YA, Mysteries/Thrillers/Suspense, Romance (Contemporary, Suspense, Historical) and Westerns.

You can find her at:  J.R. After Dark (Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, etc. blog) and J.R.’s Bookcase (Romance, Mysteries, etc.).  She’s got all sorts of ways to follow her available to you.  I hope that you’ll drop by and check out her blogs.